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The Animal Communicator Blog

Plant & Nature Spirit Communication

Garden Unmuted

Looking out on my beautiful garden
Plants lovingly nestled into soil
Tended with care

Till I listen with my inner ear
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Telepathic Communication in the Garden

It’s spring and the garden beckons. An article I wrote in Species Link Journal over thirty years ago illustrates how gardening can deepen our interspecies telepathic connection.

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Learning from Poisonous Plants

I am a caretaker for a colony of seventeen feral cats and seven indoor/outdoor cats. An abundance of poison ivy grows on my property and the cats lie on these plants. I got a severe rash last year on the inside of my calves and on my neck. One of my indoor/outdoor cats, Nutberger, who likes to walk between my legs to get me to pick her up and hold her over my shoulder, gave me the poison ivy rash. I had to go through two courses of steroids, one course of antibiotics, and two tubes of Zanfel (skin wash that binds with urushiol, the oil in poison ivy that causes the itch) to get relief last summer. I gave Nutberger a bath to get the oil off her. This year I got it on my forearm and used the Zanfel right away and that kept it under control.

I know you can talk to plants as well as animals, but a plant can’t uproot and move somewhere else as a solution. Perhaps the cats could lie somewhere else but poison ivy is all around their feeding station. I don’t necessarily want to kill the poison ivy but I don’t want to be badly affected by its oil. Do you have any ideas?

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The Great Trees: Who They Really Are

In August of this year, I made a pilgrimage to the giant sequoias of the Sierra Nevada in California. I visited Alder Creek Grove, joining a group from Save the Redwoods League who helped purchase the property to preserve the largest remaining giant sequoia grove owned by private landowners. A disk in the ground with my name marked the space of a tree not far uphill I affectionately called the “Penelope Sequoia”.

The trip was originally scheduled for last year, but intense fires raging in California ended up spreading through Alder Creek at that time. Sadly, the drought-driven flaming torrents killed thousands of the hardy, fire-resistant, thick barked, ancient giant sequoias in the area.

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Giving Plants Their Due

For a long time in western society, animals were regarded by many people as automatons with little or no ability to feel, think, decide, or be self aware.

Plants have been denigrated in the same way as non-feeling, unconscious objects.

It is now more extensively acknowledged that plants, too, are conscious, feeling, and thinking, like humans, but expressed uniquely in their different forms. It’s taking humans awhile to be aware of plant sentience and intelligence, just as it did with animals.

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Ancient Redwood Friends

Have you ever had the feeling when you’ve just met someone who you instantly and deeply connect with that you’ve known them for eons and lived many lives together? That’s how I feel about my friends, the giant redwood trees, especially the elders.

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Learning from Trees

People often approach animals, plants, mountains, rivers… as things that are separate and foreign to them. They may focus only on their human perspective or their personal thoughts and emotions about other life forms.

Communicating with other species, honoring their intelligence and spiritual nature, can bring us broader perspectives on life, more understanding, and peace. Here’s an example of how communicating with a tree became a spiritually enriching experience. It started with a Facebook message to me.

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I just read your blog about plants. I cherish plants especially for their flowers, amazing colors and scents. I am currently volunteering in Greece and France and some farm posts want me to "garden" but they mean usually tearing out the “weeds." I don't believe in “weeds.” Every plant has total value in my eyes. I don't want to rip anything out. Robert Shapiro's magnificent book, Plant Souls Speak, is the most loving and aware book on plants I've ever seen. But what would you say to people who believe in weeds and the desire to be rid of them?

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Plants Love

In 1973, the best selling book, The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christoper Bird showed how plants feel and respond to human stimuli and care, exploring plants’ ability to communicate with humans, their responses to music, and other aspects of their awareness and creative power. Like telepathic communication with animals, publicized in the 70s by several pioneer animal communicators including myself, much of this evidence was rejected by the mainstream scientific community and those who looked at animals and plants as non-sentient.

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Do Leprechauns and Nature Spirits Really Exist?

Throughout history, people have had awareness and relationships with unseen spirits in parallel realms to the physical world. There is a vast reality existing beyond the five senses in the many dimensions of the spiritual realm.

Those who have a close association with nature may perceive spirits around the plants or other natural areas. They have been called fairies, nature spirits, devas, sprites, or other hidden folk.

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