Communicating with Groups of Animals Part 1—Leaders and Oversouls
Each animal is an individual. You can communicate with them about their lives, desires, thoughts, feelings, and about anything you don’t understand about them or any problem you are having with them.
Sometimes, people have challenges with groups of animals.That may require a different approach than communicating with only one individual.
Just as humans have leaders, chiefs, bosses, supervisors, presidents, queens… in different divisions of society to help groups function, so do animals. Different species have physical group leaders with whom you can communicate.
Sometimes it’s more effective and respectful to communicate with the lead animal who will then communicate to individuals in the group. The leader may be more helpful in bringing about mutual cooperation than if you tried to communicate with each individual separately.
Each species or large group of particular types of animals also has an Oversoul, who is connected with all the members of that group. Rather than having a physical form, they are overlighting spirits who embody the essence of that species or grouping. Similar to how individual animals have souls that infuse and extend beyond their bodies, the Oversoul infuses all the members of a species or grouping and extends beyond their bodies. Oversouls are also found among plants, mountains, rivers, oceans, other geographical features or areas, and even planets.
The questions from readers in this article series have a common desire to communicate with groups of beings. Let’s start with:
Do you have any advice for communicating with animals such as rats in a city? I've been trying to ask them to please stay outside on the hill below me but I'm sure they like the protection of my basement and walls. Any advice appreciated!.Bonni Evensen

The first step is to get yourself ready to listen. You need to be able to listen and understand the animals’ lives and why they are doing what they’re doing, getting their perspectives completely, before you discuss your situation or ask them to do what you would like. A two-way dialogue is a partnership among equals, not a demand made from considering you are right or superior to the other, in this case, a group of rats who live near and in your home.
The basic principles, techniques, and pointers used in telepathic animal communication apply to communicating with all physical or spiritual beings. Here’s a short, foundation method for you to get yourself ready to communicate.
Foundation in Listening
This practice helps you to bring your energy down into your body and out of distracted thinking so you can feel calmly centered and connected to the group of animals you wish to communicate with.
Sit or stand quietly in a space where you are comfortable. It can be near or distant from the animals you wish to contact. Breathe slowly and deeply. Let your mind and body relax.
Feel your feet firmly on the ground and consciously feel your connection to Mother Earth. Even if you are in a building or on some object, or even off the ground in an airplane, you can connect to the Earth through the floor of the building or through anything. All things are made up of materials from and are also connected to the Earth.
Visualize your energy being drawn lower in your body, away from your head and its maze of mental projections and into the organic feeling of your whole human animal form. Feel the Earth caressing your feet and your feet caressing the Earth.
Feel your connection to the animals you wish to communicate with through your feet on the ground.
Sense the animals’ presence without reaching forward with your mental projections, energy, or body.
Respectfully put out your request, intention, or desire to communicate with the group of animals. Feel your willingness to connect with the animals and sense the animals’ willingness to connect and communicate with you. Imagine that you are starting to communicate with each other.
The physical leader of the group may come forward and communicate when you connect with the group. You may see mental images of the leader and/or feelings of how they are related to the whole group and communicating to you. Be open to that happening.
If the Oversoul comes in to communicate, you may get a sense of hugeness and encompassment of the whole species and area. Their responses may be quite profound and full of universal wisdom. The Oversoul connects to you by their choice through your focus on an individual or group of that species.
Then, ask the animal leader what you would like to know. Still feeling your connection through your feet on the ground, open to receive the communication in the form of images, feelings, thoughts, sensations, or knowing. Accept whatever you get and acknowledge the being with whom you are communicating.
Specific Questions You Might Ask
Why are you here in this location?
What is your life like?
What can you tell me about your purpose?
Please explain (your subject) that I don’t understand about you?
Once you feel a good understanding of and a growing compassion for the rats’ perspectives, calmly relay your position to the leader and how what they are doing is affecting you and what you would like.
Ask how you can work together to live in harmony. Consider how you may need to change your behavior. Ask how they can change their behavior and assist you.
During your dialog, you may find that together you work out a harmonious arrangement that works for both you and the rats.
The Rats Who Didn’t Heed the Warning
In the late 1970s, I shared a rented house in Los Angeles that had a big backyard with lots of trees and a neighborhood filled with wildlife. It also had many roof rats. I heard them gnawing inside the walls of the house and saw them scampering on the roof from their shelter in the attic. One day, as I opened a cabinet over the sink, I was amazed to see a hole gnawed right through the wall, through the wood of the cabinet and into a plastic bottle of vitamins. A health-conscious rat had sampled some of my B complex vitamin tablets.
My landlady, who lived next-door, had hired exterminators before when rats made colonies in her homes’ attics and walls, and now she decided it was time to do it again. I warned the rats about when the exterminators would be coming and that they needed to vacate or they would be poisoned. When I communicated, I was aware that the elder rats of the community came forward to listen and made arrangements with the rest of the resident rats to go elsewhere.
The day after I communicated this message, I was looking up at the edges of the roof where I had seen rats running before, wondering if they had gone yet. A few young rats came out and stared at me. They said they weren’t going to move from their home as they liked it there. I felt an air of defiance from them even when I urgently pictured how the poison would kill them. I realized later that these rats were “teenagers” and not about to listen to their elders, and even less to a human telling them what was best for them.
I was aware that most of the rats left before the exterminators came, but the teenage rats stayed and were poisoned.
Dialogues with groups of animals (including humans, of course) may sometimes have results we don’t expect and can’t control. It’s a learning adventure.
In part 2 of this series I will take up questions people posed about their challenges with other species.
Hone your animal communication skills further with these tips and a program of study on my website.