Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
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Penelope Smith Animal Talk Animal Communication
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The Animal Communicator Blog

The Mission of a Whale Called Moon

A sentinel and testament to our planetary state, she labors on, providing a stream of awakening consciousness and compassion to all.

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How the Whales are Holding the Planet Together

The ocean journey was particularly rough as we sailed from our dock at Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic to our anchoring spot in the sheltered coral reef area that thousands of humpback whales frequent each year for breeding and nursing new babies. The high waves crashed heavily against our metal hulled vessel, pitching us mercilessly on a wild roller coaster ride as we moved at the fast clip necessary to safely navigate the ocean in that area. Three hours later, as we neared our destination, I was desperately wishing for the choppiness to stop, so that my nausea would subside. I then planned to rest a bit and surface from my cabin refuge with some semblance of composure to see how everyone else was doing. My rational vision turned out to be one of those best laid plans that go awry.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Anita Curtis

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers thirty or more years ago. This article is derived from the “Featured Animal Communicator” column where I interviewed Anita Curtis for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 59, Autumn 2005. Those who discover animal communication later in life can be encouraged by Anita Curtis' adventurous path.

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