Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare
Penelope Smith Animal Talk Animal Communication
  • ©2025 Penelope Smith 0


ACCAW Begun October 2005
ACCAW header and mandalas by Carole Devereux

ACCAW Vision and Purpose
Origin of ACCAW
Membership - How to Join
Group Focus Time
Prayer and Healing Circle Requests
Reported Results
Volunteer Animal Communicator Service for Rescue and Shelter Organizations

ACCAW Vision and Purpose
Participation in ACCAW (Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare) is open for all people who are communicating with animals intentionally in their lives, not only professionally. Our aim as a not-for-profit coalition is to focus our individual and collective power in united intention to increase communication, balance, compassion, understanding, and communion among all beings.

We work together on projects of concern to us that affect animals and the animal/human connection, covering all levels from the highest spiritual overview and prayer/focused intention to physical action. As individuals we can each focus our energy on the aspect that most draws us and our talents. However, all our concerns from animal rescue in all its forms to overall consciousness of unity of life can be addressed as a communion of beings (animal communicators) who are aware of and educate others regarding interspecies communication.

Any member or non-member can offer suggestions for projects and healing requests for our group.
In all our projects, we focus on the wholeness of animals (non-human and human alike), honoring the spirit and life of all beings as One. 

The acronym for the
Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare (ACCAW) sounds like the call of crows and ravens, who pass messages all over the world as broadcasters in the network of avian communication. It also sounds a bit like "echo," which is what we are doing all over the world as we unite ─ echoing our good and powerful intentions for the welfare of all beings.

Origin of ACCAW
How Penelope Smith was moved to form ACCAW:

I had a dream on September 25, 2005 that Spirit urged me to act on in relation to all the monumental events of our time that affect all species, human and non-human alike.

In the dream, the animals and planetary guiding spirits were asking me to form the
ANIMAL COMMUNICATORS COALITION for ANIMAL WELFARE. They repeated this a number of times and made sure I had the title correct.

In the coalition, we animal communicators would work together on the projects of concern to us that affect animals and the animal/human connection. We would offer suggestions to work on all levels from the highest spiritual overview and prayer/focused intention to physical action. We could each focus our energy on the aspect that most draws us and our talents. Hurricane Katrina and other catastrophic events called for attention at that time. However, all our concerns from animal rescue in all its forms to overall consciousness of unity of life can be addressed as a communion of beings (animal communicators) who are aware of and educate others regarding interspecies communication.

The dolphins and whales are pushing a giant energy wave to help humans to make a leap in evolution toward unity of all life. All the animals are supporting us in walking in conscious connection for the well being of all life on Earth.

I sent this notice about the dream of ACCAW to all the animal communicators who are listed in our website animal communicator network directory and many people offered suggestions.
These are the projects suggested so far: 

Prayer, focused intention, meditation, healing circles for specific issues or general well-being at arranged times organized through a central webpage on and echoed on duplicate webpages on other websites;
ACCAW members internet discussion group;
All species wisdom (communications) sharing;
Animal Communicators convention;
Small groups organized with specific interest/task;
Volunteer consultations for people/animals in catastrophes such as hurricanes and in rescue and shelter situations.

If you would like to participate as a member of ACCAW, please write to Penelope at mentioning your background in animal communication, how you practice animal communication in your life now, and how you would like to help in alignment with the vision and purpose of ACCAW.

The weekly group focus time for all members of ACCAW who are participating in the Prayer and Healing Circle Fountain of Energy is Wednesday at Noon for all healing requests. Individuals who have requested healings could focus with the circle at that time to be more aware of and participate in the healing energy that is being concentrated around them. Besides the weekly focus time, ACCAW members also include the requested healings in their daily prayers.
The monthly group focus time for special concentration on group and Earth healing is the 1st day of the month at Noon or whenever you can focus that day. You can choose any or all of the issues.

Hold the vision of wholeness and divine harmony for each situation.

Sunset with clouds, tree, mountain

Nedda Wittels, animal communicator from Connecticut, suggests:

Since time is an illusion, anyone who can't make the actual time can send healing backward or forward in time with the intention of connecting with the group. Your healing energy would still be included and be just as effective as if you were doing it at that exact time. Also, healing can be sent from your higher self or I AM Presence (just ask that aspect of yourself to do so) at the "official" time or on an ongoing basis.                  
Morgine Jurdan asked Bimini dolphin friends how we could make our prayers the most powerful for all these animals, situations, people and the planet. They communicated:

Make it your intention to send love and healing for the highest and best good to each and every issue on that page, whether or not you read it directly. You mind scans the page and does see it all at once, like photo reading. You know everything that is before you instantly without having to stop and read through each line. Make the intention that you are joined together with everyone in the prayer circle. Your intention is that your prayers are connected with all others in the circle for the most power and energy they can possibly provide for the highest service of all animals, all people, all situations. Your intentions are the most powerful thing you have to work with. Group Mind occurs simply because you desire it to. People are often connected in thought and spirit around the world now. Just make the Intention to be connected to all those in your circle for the purpose of prayers for the highest and best good of all those involved, for the highest and most powerful energy you can provide among you and allow God/Spirit to take care of the rest.”

Prayer and Healing Circle Fountain of Energy

Here is a suggested prayer, chant, song to focus on with all the prayer requests below. It came to me when I united with the dolphins all over the world. When I asked for a prayer from the animals for our ACCAW (Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare) prayer and healing circle, they suggested that we include the dolphin prayer here. Penelope

From the heart of the Dolphin Mind, may we be united and in peace.

From the heart of the Dolphin Mind, may we all be enlightened and live in harmony together.

From the heart of the Oceanic Mother, may all beings, all species, all life honor and support each other in peace.

From the heart of Mother Earth, may we awaken to our highest fulfillment in love with all beings.

From the heart of Dolphin, Whale, Ocean, Earth and the deepest heart of our own life, may we live as One.

Flower Mandala framed

I always love visiting your website which feels so expanded and peaceful. I've meditated on the picture under Prayer and Healing Circle Fountain of Energy on the ACCAW page, and found great comfort there.

Requests for prayers and spiritual healing for individuals of any species

To have individuals included in this circle, please send their names, species, (you can also include a brief description and their age) general geographical location, and why you are requesting prayers or spiritual healing to Please put ACCAW prayer circle in the subject line. (Note: After being on the individual list for one year, the entry will be deleted unless we are asked to continue it.) Updated February 2025)

Opal, Orangutan, over 40 years old, has spent the majority of her life confined to an almost barren enclosure at the Natal Zoological Gardens. Prayers for her release and well-being. (Kim Dijkman)

2 cats sitting next to each other; calico and tuxedo
Pancho and Layla, 3 1/2 y/o cats in California, were diagnosed at age 2 with kidney dysfunction. Please pray for their healing and the well-being of their people. (Marcia Barclay) 27Oct15 Update Oct17 Layla and Pancho are thriving with dysfunctional kidneys at age 5 1/2. They delight in and are supported by the loving energies sent their way. Update Jan20 Layla and Pancho had their 6 month bloodwork and exam - their kidneys both felt completely normal and their creatinine was within the normal range! Update Sep21 Layla and Pancho are doing well. We’re all so appreciative of these healing energies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Woman smiling with white dog
Keri Davis, 59 y/o animal communicator in Canada, worked at a local shelter for many years helping problem dogs be adopted, doing hours of work with them. Over time, she has had significant injuries to the Alar Ligament in her neck which has caused upper cervical spine instability, also known as Craniocervical Instability (CCI.) It is a degenerative condition. If left untreated, the older Keri gets the worse her symptoms and their effects will become until she is resigned to a life of pain and dependent living. There is hope if she travels to a clinic in Colorado to receive treatment. This comes at a very high price and is not covered by any health insurance plan in Canada. Without this treatment, the quality of Keri’s life is rapidly deteriorating into incapacitating pain and neurological problems. Prayers for her full recovery. You can also contribute to help her get the surgery she needs at (Morgine Jurdan) 12Apr23

Woman holding black dog
Animal Communicator, Dana Miller Coburn, has developed a rare form of cancer. She is actively working to heal with alternative treatments after chemotherapy plunged her into a coma from which she almost didn't recover. Her health program is expensive. You can support here at Go Fund Me:
Prayers for her full recovery. (Diana Del Monte) 3Nov23

Tabby cat sitting outside
Baloo, 17 y/o cat in North Italy went missing 24Nov23 on a windy, freezing day. Prayers to help him come home again. (Monica R.) 10Jan24

Please pray for the relief and rescue of four dogs in Miller County, Missouri who are chained and kept outside without adequate food or shelter. May all the letters and calls be effective in enlightening the authorities, so they enforce the law to save these innocent dogs. (Jacqueline Texier) 18Jan24

Prayers and healing energies for Bani, wild baby elephant hit by a train in India. A veterinary team in consultation with an international team of specialists is working to save her from severe injuries, caring for her constantly. Her condition is stable but critical. (Pratibha) 6Feb24

White Cockatiel
Zippy, 2 y/o Lutino Cockatiel (White, orange cheeks, yellow crest) flew out the window 18February24 near Habitat Crest, ITPL Main Road, Whitefield, Bangalore. Contact number : +919686266882 Prayers for his safe return. (Reshma) 22Feb24

Tuxedo cat lying down
I have been doing rescue for over 30 years (Paws Animal Rescue, Inc. and need help with my current foster kitties. Twin brother tuxedo cats were returned three years ago after having been adopted for over 10 years. I have been trying to acclimate them to the other kitties in my home so they can have free run of the house like the others. However, both are marking territory and are extremely intimidated by the more aggressive fosters. I have tried everything I can possibly think of but nothing works. I don't want these loving boys to spend the rest of their lives isolated in one room. Prayers to find the right help for these cats and the well-being of all. (JoDell Stansel) 27Feb24

Tuxedo cat on cat tree

White cat sittingGray long haired catGrey tabby cat sittingWhite cat looking upSlim orange tabby cat sittingCalico cat
Black cat lying downBlack, grey, and white cat
White with dark markings catTortoise shell cat sittingGray tabby cat with white bibSlim black cat lying down

Prayers for Dobby my friend Izzy’s beloved dog who is in ICU. (Clare MacGoey) 29Feb24

Chow mix dog on leash
Saga, 5 y/o chow mix rescue with Addison's Disease, lost since noon 14 May in Rock Meadow, Belmont, Massachusetts. Returned 19May and brought to urgent care. Prayers for his recovery. (Annie) 18May24

My 6 y/o female dog companion, Kona, became very ill suddenly with Wobbler Syndrome and crossed the rainbow bridge on 19 June. Prayers for her, my male dog, Titan, who was very close to her, and me for our peace and well-being. (Rona Skye) 21Jun24

Suhki, desert tortoise, has a very persistent infection of the lungs. It has not gone away after three rounds of antibiotic shots which I administer every other day. Prayers for his healing. (Naoko Vaughn) 22Oct24

Orange tabby cat in window
Lisku, 3 y/o male cat, suffers from chronic kidney condition and teeth/gum problems. Originally from the streets of Cyprus, for the last 22 months in a loving home in Warsaw, Poland, charming all the neighbours and strangers alike. (Grażyna Witkowska) 15Feb25

Requests for prayers and spiritual healing
for groups of any species or areas of the Earth

To have a group or area of the Earth included in this circle, please send a description of the situation and general geographical location to Please put ACCAW prayer circle in the subject line

May the owner of Miami Seaquarium keep his promise and move forward quickly with retiring Li’i and ALL the other dolphins to a seaside sanctuary. Pray that all the letters sent by conscientious people sway his heart and enlighten his mind.

The end of slaughter of 20,000 dolphins and whales a year in Taiji, Japan and enlightenment of all beings involved.

Protection of Hawaiian wildlife family in the ocean and on land from international military exercises called RIMPAC  May dolphins, whales and wildlife who reside and pass through these waters know that it will be a dangerous place to be at that time.

That the proposed law to prohibit wild dolphin and human interaction be reframed to enhance the benevolent connection of all species and individuals.

May the messages of the new light paradigms the Hawaii dolphins share be felt, heard, seen, understood and allowed to come into complete aliveness in all beings of the world. May this light become all that is. May the hearts of many open to accept that all can be this light of Divine design in complete ecstatic joy because here where we exist it is so. We send this to all of you.

For the protection and well-being of the group of Southern Resident killer whales in danger of extinction off the US Pacific Coast near Seattle.

Help for the whales who are targeted to be killed by the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctic waters.

May all humans become attuned to the whales’ message and open their hearts to universal peace and forgiveness. May both physical and psychic wounds be healed for good of oceanic beings everywhere.

End of commercial whaling.

For all of the wild beings (deer, bear, cougar, wolves, and others) who are being hunted needlessly by humans for sport. For the protection and healthy survival of the animals and the awakening of the humans.

Cessation of aerial gunning of Alaskan wolves.

To end the mass slaughter of harp seals in Canada’s yearly seal hunt.

For the sport hunting of farm raised buffalo and other animals to stop.

For the internet hunting "sport" to be banned and become illegal.

Love and strength to our wild horses, who are chased, abused, and imprisoned by the BLM. Pray for a solution and justice for these beautiful, proud, majestic survivors.

Please ask the bulls in Mallorca for forgiveness for suffering inflicted on them for entertainment. Pray for the end of bullfights.

For Chimpanzees used in research and abused for entertainment and in the pet trade. May they be happy, free, and live fully their role in the web of life.

For the animals abandoned, suffering, and dying in zoos in war zones.

For animals abandoned and starving in human crisis. Blessings of a quality life and well-being for all involved.

Protection of wolves in Western United States from being hunted.

That the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service immediately RESTORE THE BAN throughout the country, on hunters shooting hibernating mother and bear cubs and mother wolves and their pups in their dens.

Protection for Yellowstone's wild free roaming buffalo in and around national park boundaries.

Honoring wild geese at Lake Merritt, California and other places where they seek to rest, forage, and live.

The end of violence surrounding the Chinese Fur Trade in a way that will support the families that depend on the trade for their livelihood, and that will see the end of the suffering and pain of the animals involved.   

The end of trapping or holding animals captive and killing them for fur.

The end of bear farms in China and for the loving rehabilitation of all the bears currently caged and abused on these farms. End to the use of "bear balm" worldwide.

For the assistance of Indonesian primates housed in cages too small for them to stand.

To harmonize the co-existence of wildlife and people in Indonesia and eliminate the trapping of endangered Sumatran tigers and other animals.

Help for elephants who are chained by people and unable to live a natural life. 

Universal Healing in all situations where human and non-human habitats conflict.

Support and new homes for the orangutans in Indonesian Borneo kept in squalor and chained.

For the protection and welfare of elephants in South Africa’s Kruger National Park from being culled (killed) for population control.

Prayers for a profound awakening by those who would poach elephants and rhinos in the wild, such that poachers no longer have desire to engage in commercial killing. May these hunters' consciousness be raised and hearts opened to compassion. Let our collective prayers keep those magnificent creatures safe from harm and free to roam in peace.

For harmony between people and the African lions being poisoned by African cattle herders.

May the African Wildlife Foundation and Kenya Wildlife Service be successful in saving giraffes from poachers who kill them and export their body parts. Prayers for safety and protection for all remaining giraffes, and for an END to all trafficking of wild animals.

For the bears maintained in very poor condition in Bandung Zoo, Indonesia. Pray that they are released and rehabilitated/rehomed soon.

For the Florida Panther in much of the Everglades and all over Florida. That they may cross roads safely and not be killed by speeding cars. Please pray that home development is not permitted on land that is vital to the lives of the Florida Panther and many other animal and plant species.

That animals who cross roads be given the knowledge of when it is safe to do so.

That animals be protected from senseless hunting.

To bring peace and harmony to all involved in the persecution and torture of people practicing Falun Gong (ancient practice for reaching enlightenment) in China.

That Walmart continue to evolve into a socially responsible company. 

The end of poverty and suffering of all beings. A shift towards greater awareness, peace, happiness, and good health for all.

For the enlightenment of all species with Grace so all suffering in all realms is ended. To transform human hatred to awakened consciousness and unconditional love for self and pouring into love and celebration of all species with clarity and wisdom.

Bless and strengthen with deep gratitude and love all elementals, devas, nature spirits that help life move gracefully and with gentleness toward Oneness awareness. 

For authentic unconditional love, joy, compassion, and discerning wisdom to dissolve all false programming to heal all karmic entanglements with true grace for all of life, dissolving the sources of hatred, fear, and violence. May we realize with true courage and strength and gracefully shift into a new harmonious reality.

That all the animal kingdoms will decide to stay on Earth and humanity will seek peace and reconciliation with all beings, and we find ways to help the animals survive and prosper.

Asking cats and dogs for help with the problem of domestic animal overpopulation in the United States. We ask all of them who wish to do so, to be willing cut down on reproduction, whether they are spayed and neutered or not. 

For the well-being of all shelter/rescue/homeless animals.

To eliminate live animal labs in favor of humane alternatives.

Expanded awakening of all allopathic veterinarians to the severe consequences of over-vaccination. Veterinarians taking back their power in fully caretaking the animals with love.

Liberation and well-being of dogs bred for dog fighting rings, and the enlightenment of those involved.

For animal rescue in Philadelphia to have the support it needs to function well.

For Multnomah County Animal Control, Portland, OR, so that abandoned or stray animals may find caring and compassion, and citizens of Multnomah County may find this agency a source of compassionate advocacy.

For animals and their caregivers at Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley. Healing and joyous release of the strong and survivable, and a gentle letting go with minimal pain and suffering for those souls destined to move on.

The well being and reunion of all the animals and humans affected by hurricanes in the Gulf Coast. Help for the homeless cats and dogs, roaming or sheltered, needing food, water, and care.

Please pray and send healing energy to all animals and rescuers caught in the Gaza-Israeli war zones. Support for the following organizations in providing food, water, medicine and blankets: Let the Animals Live (LTAL) in Israel, Sulala Animal Rescue (SAR) in Gaza, Starting Over Sanctuary (SOS) in Israel, and Animal Environment Association (AEA) in Bethlehem. May their heroic efforts be successful in safely evacuating and relocating these pets and their families. May peace be restored in these countries.

For the welfare of the diseased and neglected dogs in townships of South Africa.

For the safety and well-being of all stray animals in Romania.

For the safety and well-being of the stray cats in the old county buildings of Rancho Los Amigos west of Los Angeles Imperial Hwy.

Prayers to find homes for horses rescued mainly from PMU farms.

Prayers and love for animals who are neglected or abused on the Big Island of Hawaii.

For the shelter in Puerto Rico for animals abandoned in the street. Prayers for help for the animals.

For all the dogs that feel lonely, neglected and have little shelter to help them cope with the cold. That they may be loved and cared for.

That humane societies be humane. Pray for children and animals returned to bad owners or not even investigated as well.

For thousands of Spanish greyhounds, who suffer tragically at the hands of those who train them harshly, torture them mercilessly for sport, and kill them at will. Prayers, as well, for the perpetrators who must have suffered to have come to this state of being.

Awakening to protect domestic animal rights in China and prevent mass killing and cruelty to dogs and other species.

For the Asian street dogs who are homeless, frightened, and hungry that God will give them comfort.

For the donkeys and other beasts of burden, bullocks and horses who are worked to death in India. May they be saved by Animal Rahat, and also abused, neglected dogs in the streets as well: Animal Rahat – Improving the Lives of Working Animals in India

For profound heart awakening of those who would hunt dogs or cats for Yulin Meat Festival in Guangxi, China to immediately cease. May Light and Love prevail to bring healing to all beings and restore respect for life.

For healing of China's government human and animal rights violations. May enlightenment pervade the Chinese spirit, replacing hurtful dogma and politically motivated violence.

To keep dog eating legally abolished in the Philippines.

For dogs, cats, pigs and chickens who are exploited as commodities in Korea, we send Love and healing energy. For the human perpetrators, we send the Light of compassion and reason to dispel ignorance. May light and love resonate within these peoples' hearts and inspire them to end the suffering of animals.

Balance with the emerald ash borer beetle making it's way into Wisconsin that has killed 20 million ash trees in Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana since first tracked in 2002. For the beetles to moderate their tree eating, for the trees to maintain the sacred space, and that humans see the right assistance to give to the trees.

That the natural balance be restored to alleviate the causes for the worldwide honeybee decline.

For healing of all the elements creating White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) crisis; millions of bats, including several endangered species, are at stake.

For the hearts and souls of the birds that are either dying from the avian flu or are being culled in the millions by humans. For the well being of all individuals and species affected.

Well-being for the chickens and turkeys of the world now mistreated as food animals. End of suffering of animals in slaughterhouses and factory farms.

To establish a mandate for factory farm reform nationwide and raise consciousness of farmers and consumers alike.

For the farm animals of the UK (particularly cattle, pigs and sheep) who are being slaughtered due to the threat of Foot & Mouth Disease. It is curable. Healing for the distressing way in which they are dealt and the enlightenment of the people connected to them.

For the factory farm animals that are being treated inhumanely. That big corporations stop the mass slaughter of animal production for profit and start seeing animals as worthy of our love, respect, and care.  

To enlighten people who drop turkeys from planes in Arkansas turkey days celebration to end this practice.

To change human hearts to depart from the barbaric treatment of the bulls in the Pamplona Bull Run (begins July 7) and to honor these animals in a new way. 

That schooling horses throughout the world are treated with love, respect, and integrity for all their hard work.

May all the ailments and injuries that occur in the work horses and other work animals of the police be relieved. May the horses be viewed as spiritual beings with respect for their dignity and rights.

That the hearts, minds and homes of the human residents of Mexico be opened with love and compassion to the needs and well being of all the animals living amongst them. That their eyes be opened and they remember the sacred connection we all share. That harmony be restored.

In Alaska, there are approximately 300 remote communities, only accessible by boat or small plane. The people are poor, live subsistence lifestyles.Their dogs often are considered "working dogs" as bear guards or sled dogs. They are tied up outside, sometimes without shelter, and often without sufficient food. Many freeze and starve to death every winter. Prayer to help raise the consciousness of people in remote Alaskan communities to start recognizing that all animals have physical and emotional needs and should be treated with compassion and respect.

To have safety, protection, wise, intelligent, and loving relationships between and among all species including humans.

Optimizing the amount of ice in the Earth’s polar regions (now shrinking from global warming) for the survival and well-being of polar bears in the Arctic and all living beings.

Gulf Oil disaster April 2010 and all oil disasters. For stoppage of the leak and cleanup to minimize damage to all species in the affected area. Healing and enlightenment for everyone involved.

Protection for the whales and other marine life off coastal North Carolina from proposed U.S. Navy testing for lethal mid-frequency sonar. Protection from human-made ocean noise for all creatures.

For the well being of the ocean waters, whales and all oceanic creatures.

That the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) find a better way to prevent forest fires than to apply massive amounts of toxic herbicides to public lands in 17 Western states.

For the restoration of Caribbean coral reefs dying from the white plague.

To properly remove the support poles originally placed to support young tree trunks in San Francisco before the metal further damages the now older trees. May communication and harmony flow among all those involved.

For the protection of Salt Cay island, Turks and Caicos, B.W.I. from irresponsible development. To save the oceanic habitat of humpback whales, endangered marine animals, and reefs from increased noise, boat traffic, chemicals, dredging.

Prayer for rain and environmental balance for all species in areas of drought: Oklahoma, Kansas, West and South Texas, and other parts of the U.S.

The Alberta Tar Sands and related watersheds and the beings relying on them ‎for life
The waters and beings affected by the over fishing of the the Grand Banks in Canada‎, as well as Jamaica, Cuba, Spain, Azores, and Portugal, and any other place that relies on water beings for food and income. 
The earth and beings of Korea and Vietnam that are still affected by 'Agent Orange'‎, used in U.S. warfare, as well as other country regions still infected by chemical warfare
The areas across Canada, from Alberta to the Grand Banks, at risk from the laying of an oil/gas line from one to another. 
The bees of the world and the plants that they love, and the earth from‎ which they grow, and the air in which they breathe. Please add prayers of gratitude and support to their organic and bio keepers and compassion to the other keepers. 
The regions of California hosting monocultures of almond trees, disturbing nature's balance, and to the bees shipped in yearly and lost to propagate them. Compassion to the growers so that they might begin to add biodiverse fields to support local bee life. 
The earth and waters of Guelph, Ontario, Canada ‎and area, as it undergoes rapid development of environmentally sensitive ground. Guelph rests on an intersection of ley lines, is the juncture point for two large rivers and is very close to the ground water tables.

For the Amazon, Australia, and areas around the globe where wildfires rage and are destroying many animals' lives and habitats.

Empowering and positive loving prayer thoughts in support of the indigenous fire crew made up of mothers and grandmothers in Australia. May this situation be recognized as a powerful growth opportunity. May our trust in positive outcomes be expansive with opportunity to heal, grow and love ourselves and our emotional reactions unconditionally.

rose painting

Thank you so much for adding Vanessa and her family to the prayer circle. On 18May21, the court did rule for Vanessa to be released to a sanctuary and to not be euthanized. She is being given a tremendous amount of love from the sanctuary where she has her own beautiful suite. Her family is able to visit her along with her 4 legged best friend/brother and her health is returning. I know your prayers helped her. The court was 100% on euthanizing her after being accused of biting a woman and originally refused to let this sanctuary take her. Christine Vargas

Thank you so much for your prayers for my cat Lucky, who had pyrothorax, a serious chest infection. I took him home from the vets at the end of July (it's now November) and was told all I could do was administer steroid shots every day and enjoy the short time I have left with him. Lucky hasn't had steroids in two weeks, is back to his normal weight and good health. My gratitude to everyone. He shouldn't be alive by all accounts, so thanks for his miracle.
Colette Haycock

Thank you so much for the support for me and my cat, Bodhi. My sweet girl passed peacefully and I know that she and I both were comforted in the long transition by the energy from you all.
Donna Lovett

My pet tortoise, Caesar, is perfectly healthy now. I am so grateful to you and your team for the prayers they offered for my tortoise.
Maddy Mathers

Thank you so much for adding Uncle Nubi and me to the healing circle list. Uncle's transition out of body was brief, beautiful, and at a time of his choosing. I know that the prayers of the group helped me accept his death. With gratitude,

Callie cat's little paw is completely healed from getting it caught in that rabbit trap. Thanks everyone for your prayers.
Elisabeth Biscuso

Thanks so much to all of you, Benny the cat with melanoma of the eye from MN seems to be doing fine, It has been 2 months since his diagnosis and he is doing better than ever! Your efforts are paying off!  Lisa Schmitz

Our beloved Newfoundland dog, Phinn, has moved on to the non-material realms. Your prayers and kind energies certainly moved him along painlessly on his journey, which was, mercifully, very short. He was alert and receiving love and physical comfort to the very end; and the decision to join the spirit world was his. Much love to you all, and thanks for everything you've done to help support Phinney and us.
Alex, Rob, Nemo and Jules
I so appreciate the ACCAW and the prayer list. Everything I requested in my prayer for my cat Amos and myself was honored and I know that the meditations and loving energy sent from you and the other members had a huge effect on our journey.
Michele Bustamante

Your prayers must have worked. Fresca has been missing for 10 days, and now he is home. He's a little dirty and tired but definitely fine. Bev Hitchman

Thank everyone for prayers for Doug and Michelle. Prayers were sent so they could conceive if it was for their highest good. It was, they have a little girl, Macy, the love of their lives. Linda Epstein
Raju is now happily living at the Elephant Conservation and Care Center in Mathura, India. The attempted appeal by his cruel former owner was overturned, and Raju remains with kindhearted humans. He eagerly awaits being reunited with his long-time friend and companion, Mohan. We are grateful for all the prayers and spiritual healing! Jacqueline Texier

I asked for healing for my cat Edward. His right eye had been damaged and he had a covering over most of it. The covering has gone and his eye is normal. He is eating well and racing around the house as usual. Thank you for the healing, and "GOD BLESS."
Ken Butcher

Happy days are here again!  Last night we were sure Layla would have to go in for an ultrasound today, since she didn't eat at all again yesterday. But this morning we were awakened by romping; she flew down the stairs, then ate all her breakfast and some of her brother's! She seems 100% today!  Many thanks to you, Belinda, the cats and the chickens for your loving, healing energies!  And for putting Layla on ACCAW!  It supported her, and me!
Marcia Barclay

Boris (the Lhasa Apso) that was attacked in Omaha, NE is healing miraculously; his deep and severe puncture wound is closing up fast and he is back to his feisty old self. His recovery is nothing short of a miracle! Thank you to your website for all the outpouring of thoughts and prayers for him. It definitely helped him recover so quickly. I am so very grateful and appreciative.
Kathryn McCord

Volunteer Animal Communicator Service
 for Rescue and Shelter Organizations

Alphabetical by State (Country if not U.S.); Experience in giving animal communication sessions; Preferred methods of contact; Availability of service (Please respect limits)
Suzan Vaughn, California, 30 years experience as an intuitive, 15 years specializing in animal communication; BA in Psych, MA in Communication. Pranic healing specialty. Available for free and reduced cost sessions for shelter animals, animal foster parents, and rescue organizations. Available for classes, talks, and workshops for shelters and rescue organizations with scholarships available and reduced costs. Contact my assistant Alice at (805) 540-9520 to schedule.

Teresa Wagner, California, Professionally since 1991, with specialties in flower essences, trauma, grief, and shelter animals. E-mail; I currently provide a few hours every week of pro bono sessions with local rescue groups and a shelter. I am not able to regularly take on additional pro bono cases. However, in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency involving animals, I would definitely be available to help (with any species). Also, my website has a section on compassion fatigue that shelter and rescue employees and volunteers might find supportive: with practical strategies for coping and healing, and a listing of two teleclasses designed for more in-depth help: Coping with and Healing Overwhelming Feelings Inherent in Activism and Animal Welfare Work and Preventing and Healing Compassion Fatigue (for animal communicators and healers). These classes can be discounted for those working in the field and for whom the full price may be out of reach.
Winterhawk, California; 24 years; (707) 583-2348 voicemail; On call, all species. Distance Reiki, physical/spiritual healing/ceremony. 8 hours/mo pro bono, any shelter/rescue project, animals or workers. Low fee beyond 8 hrs. Euthanasia/adoption prep; any issue. Immediate assist if possible. Teach/coach communication or Bach Flower Essences in person or by phone. Reiki I-III, in-person. Special fees for above mentioned folks; will travel to teach any group.

Lisa Shaw, Florida; 25+ years (954) 254-8405; Available for free communication sessions and Reiki healing for shelter animals in need  Distance sessions available anytime.  Will travel to lecture, teach, and do animal readings as fund raisers for humane organization and rescue groups.

Carol Schultz, Illinois, since 2000; (815) 531-2850; Contact via e-mail or phone to schedule an appointment; offering services at reduced rates to rescues and shelters; up to one hour of pro bono work via phone per week.

Alexandra Ottaway, Massachusetts; since 2012 413-301-3007; I offer Animal Communication free to guardians with rescue animals. Others are welcome to pay $1 per minute which goes to or occasionally to a shelter of your choice. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights are good, Saturday, and Sunday afternoon is my best time. I started practicing in 2001 and by late 2012 I did my first full-fledged reading/healing. You can find out more at and on my blog I'd like at least 24 hours notice before our session, which we'd do by phone, Skype, Face-Time or in-person if you are around Northampton MA.

Nancy Windheart, New Mexico, Animal Communication and Reiki for Animals; practicing and teaching professionally since 2007; (928) 499-1969; A free class, Animal Communication Tools for Shelter and Rescue Workers,( I have a select group of highly qualified advanced students who are available for pro-bono and reduced-fee consultations to whom I regularly refer requests for assistance. I also offer classes, talks, and workshops through my Rescue Partnership Program.

Linda Gress, New Jersey, Founder of All About Them Giant Breed Rescue. Animal Communication professionally since 2001. Working in Shelters,  Rescues, Rehabs & Sanctuaries since 1985. (609) 529-7046 or e-mail; On call, all species. Communication sessions, healing, grief counseling or any issues, no charge for shelters, rescues, rehabs and sanctuaries. For volunteers of a rescue, shelter, rehab and sanctuary requesting a session for their furry family members, mentoring, lectures and events, we are available and require a donation to All About Them Giant Breed Rescue.

Gayle Nastasi, New York, Professional animal consultations since 1999; Please email or use the contact form on the website to schedule. Free rescue consultations for STOLA, Saluki Tree of Life Alliance, Inc., and (local organizations) NY Wildlife Rescue and Northeast Llama Rescue and Barnyard Sanctuary, and the Animal Shelter of the Schoharie Valley. Rescue discount of 20% for all other certified animal rescue non-profits. Free healing meditation sessions (Reiki, Therapeutic Touch). No missing animals, please.

Carla B. Hara, Oregon; Animal communicator since 2016 in group sessions and individual readings; 541-846-8484 (I prefer to be contacted by email) 1-2 hours per week through email volunteering animal communication for all Greyhound Rescue groups. I am also open and willing to help out with all rescue groups, shelters and with disasters on a national and global level. Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner offering grief support and end-of-life care for shelters and organizations.

Shirley Scott, Oregon, over 16 years of animal readings; email or 541-577-3051 8 am to 5 pm Pacific time zone. Runs her own rescue and will work with other shelters 3 hours a week for behavior issues.  

Morgine Jurdan, Washington 20+ years 360-686-9886 Free Animal Communication classes for Humane Society organizations, shelters and official Rescue Organizations, and Wildlife Rescue organizations for their staff members only. Free communication sessions for people whose animals have died in natural disasters, fires and such, so that they can have closure. I will do one short session communicating with an animal lost in a natural disaster conveying thoughts and feelings to the animal from their person. (No attempt to locate. Just the comfort and peace of the animal receiving their communication at that time and knowing their person cares, and advice on what else the person could do.)

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